

At Livingstone, we have a dedicated Pre-Construction Team, utilising shared knowledge and experience to deliver tailored pre-construction services.

Our team works with you to understand your unique requirements to provide logical, cost effective and timely solutions for your project, across design and build, ECI, sustainability, buildability, health and safety, development, and feasibility.


Design & Build

Design and Build is a collaborative and cost-effective process – we manage the design, meeting your brief, budget, and project requirements. The process allows our team to manage the process from end-to-end with Livingstone acting as a single point of contact, allowing seamless transparency, risk mitigation and management, and promoting greater collaboration between project partners – overall benefitting the outcome of the project.

Benefits of D&B

  • Full Accountability
    With the design and construction being handled by Livingstone, there is a single point for project quality, costing and timeline.
  • Buildability Expertise
    We are able to bring our expertise on construction methods and supply chain to work with the design team in developing innovative design solutions that maximise project benefits.
  • Speed of Delivery
    Design and build projects are completed at a faster rate than traditional projects due to overlapping design and construction. We are in control of the programme, scheduling can commence early, and potential problems are detected sooner.
  • Cost Certainty and Savings
    Utilising construction expertise and a collaborative design team, decisions made during concept and design stages can impact the programme and cost. We start negotiating with our experienced pool of subcontractors and suppliers to establish costs in the design phase.
  • Improved Communication
    The design and build method helps promote transparency in the process. Working through a single point of contact helps keep communication lines open and focused on producing quality results.
  • Improved Risk Management
    We take responsibility for developing drawings and specifications as well as carrying out construction works which means performance aspects of quality, cost and delivery time are clearly defined.

Early Contractor Involvement (ECI)

ECI involves early collaboration between the client, the design team and Livingstone as the main contractor. This allows us to provide build solutions, budget, programming, risk management, value engineering, and procurement early in the process – ensuring a seamless project process.

Benefits of ECI:

  • Establishes a partnership based on mutual trust.
  • Promotes openness, promptness, consistency and fairness in all communications.
  • Reduces the cost of tendering as only one design process is undertaken.
  • Enables risks to be identified, mitigated, and/or properly allocated and priced.
  • Allows for true collaboration between all parties.
  • The Principal retains control of the process by collaboratively working with the main contractor and consultants.
  • Provides the ability for the main contractor to add genuine value to the project by gaining early buy in, exploring buildability options, staging requirements, and overall construction methods.

Pre-Construction Services

  • Project Feasibility & Estimating
    We utilise our in-house expertise to provide early advice and initial estimating to understand costs and overall project feasibility.
  • Programming & Buildability
    We work to understand the build and how efficiencies can be gained through sequencing, staging and build smarts.
  • Safety in Design
    Safety in Design sessions are held through the design phases to make sure the building can be built, operated and maintained safely.
  • Sustainability & Environmental 
    Our dedicated Sustainability & Environmental Lead works with you to align with your sustainability goals, producing less waste and lower embodied carbon.


Contact us today to discuss how we can work together through tailored pre-construction services.
